1. Courtesy and respect is to be displayed at all times.
2. Pupils stand when a staff member or an adult enters a classroom.
3. Pupils may not enter the corridors or classrooms before school, at break times or after 14:30, if unattended or without permission, unless they are using the ablution facilities or it is raining.
4. All pupils must leave the campus by 14:20 unless they are involved in extra-mural activities.
5. Pupils who have not been collected by 14:20 after school (Fri 13:20), need to move from their normal pick-up point to the outdoor classroom (at the main gate in 7th Avenue) for collection.
6. Punctuality is essential. Being late for school is not allowed unless a letter / note in the diary is produced. Arrival after the 07h45 bell is through the front office.
7. Absenteeism from school or sport/sport academy requires a note from the parent. For all pupils this is done by recording it on the absenteeism page in the school diary. However, for Gr. 1 and 2 pupils, who do not take their school diaries home on a Friday, a note from the parent can be sent to school instead if necessary. This note is required to be submitted on the day that the pupil returns to school.
A doctor’s certificate or other recognised certificate is required if a Grade 4-7 pupil misses a test, a formal assessment or an examination. This certificate must be given to the pupil’s class teacher on the day that the pupil returns to school.
8. Pupils must go to the toilet at break time. They may however leave the classroom at the teacher’s discretion.
9. No pupil is allowed outside the school grounds (once they have arrived at school) without the staff’s permission. Entry on foot into the school campus must be through pedestrian gates only, NOT staff motor-gates, for safety reasons.
10. Climbing of trees, over fences or gates surrounding the school, is not permitted.
11. No pupil is permitted in the swimming pool area, unless they are under the supervision of a teacher / coach.
12. Gr. 7 Service Monitors are placed in a position of service or authority, i.e. Pupil Monitors, Environmental Monitors, etc. and should be respected at all times.
13. No running is allowed and good discipline is essential in the corridors at all times. Classes to quietly proceed along the corridors in alphabetical order, single file and on the left-hand side. Pupils stand aside, to greet an adult, when not in a class group.
14. RAINY DAY – pupils remain in their home-base classrooms and may not run about or play ball games.
15. Books, completed homework assignments and stationery must be brought to school on a daily basis.
16. Litter and recycling bins are to be used in the classroom and on the playground.
17. Bicycles may not be ridden in the school grounds. No skateboards, roller-blades or other similar items may be used on the campus.
18. Grades must play in their demarcated areas (Grade 1-3: Jordan Field; Grade 4-7: Clarendon Field; Grade 7’s may also make use of the Outdoor Classroom). Pupils may not venture into an area which is not demarcated for their specific grade.
19. I-Pods, MP3 players, cameras or any other similar electronic devices are not permitted at school.
20. Exchange, swopping, or sale of any form of collectors’ cards / items are not permitted at school.
21. Cellphones may not be brought onto the school campus or to any school related activity and will be uplifted for a period of four weeks. The safety of pupils is our highest priority as it must be common knowledge to all concerned that our pupils do not carry cellphones.
22. Pupils class WhatsApp groups (or any other social media platform used to create a class group) are strictly forbidden at all times.
23. Pupils may not place any photos, videos or images of any nature on any form of social media, where the photos contain images of a Clarendon Park pupil dressed in an item of branded Clarendon Park clothing, where such photos are deemed by the school to be inappropriate.
24. No chewing gum is allowed at school.
25. The school will not tolerate cheating, attempting to cheat, or having forbidden material or information in a test venue during controlled testing (class tests, term tests, exams). This includes any form of communication, verbal or non-verbal, with another pupil, the use of a cell phone or a smart watch as a means of communication, and the distribution of any test or examination material that may enable another person or himself or herself to gain an unfair advantage.
26. Nothing may be purchased from outside vendors or the public, without permission from the school.
27. School property is to be respected.
28. Any money brought and payable to the school, must be brought in a clearly marked envelope. Tuck shop money must be placed in a wallet / purse.
29. Borrowing without permission will be regarded as theft and tampering with the belongings of others is punishable. Pupils should at all times respect the possessions of others.
30. Pupils must have their own stationery and there should be no borrowing. No tippex, highlighters and koki pens may be used – unless under the guidance or at the request of an educator.
31. Attendance at extra-murals is compulsory for those participating, unless a valid excuse is offered by means of a written note prior to the practice / rehearsal.
32. It is expected that every pupil participates in at least one extra-mural activity per season. School commitments take precedence over non-school activities.
33. It is essential that the pupils’ school diaries are brought to school on a daily basis. Diaries to accompany pupils to all specialist teacher’s classrooms and must be signed daily by the parent or guardian. Homework should be completed responsibly.
34. School correspondence (letters or diary-slips) must be taken home and acknowledged and if applicable, the completed reply slip must be returned to the school within 2 days.
35. School bags must be brown, green or black. Tog bags used, must be regulation school tog bags.
36. All pupils’ belongings must be clearly marked with their name.
37. The wearing of regulation school uniform is compulsory.
Jerseys may not be worn out of school and at morning lines, without a school blazer.
38. Phys Ed uniform: A full school tracksuit, Phys. Ed shorts and top may be worn on school outings and tours, unless otherwise specified. Tracksuit pants may not be worn without the top.
Correct sportswear should be worn. Sports takkies should be predominantly white with white laces. Only plain white short socks are to be worn. No secret or branded socks are allowed. Ankle socks are only allowed with the Phys Ed uniform.
Pupils should be correctly dressed after sport.
After sport, track shoes must be worn in public with exception to water polo and swimming, where white or black slops are allowed.
39. All Weather Jacket: The dual purpose for wearing the new All Weather jacket is for protection against rain, wind and for extra warmth. Below are guidelines when wearing the All Weather Jacket:
It is seen as an additional garment worn for warmth over the existing uniform and not as a replacement for eg. the blazer and jersey. When wearing the All Weather jacket on Phys Ed days, it must be worn with the tracksuit pants.
The All Weather jacket may be taken off when inside.
40. Boys’ Hairstyles:
- Hair must be neat and clean.
- It must be short, neatly cut with no steps / lines.
- No styled cuts are allowed.
- It must not touch the collar.
- Fringes must be neat and above the eye brows at all times.
- No gel or hairspray allowed.
- Dyed, highlighted or coloured hair is – Faddish or eccentric hairstyles that draw undue attention are not allowed.
- Parents may be requested to fetch their children from school in order to have the hair suitably cut.
Girls’ Hairstyles:
- Hair must be neat and clean.
- Hair must not draw unnecessary attention.
- Hair touching the collar must be tied back at all times.
- Hair should be secured neatly and cover the entire head .
- Hair should be tied back if it touches the shoulders. It must be kept away from the face and should not obstruct vision. This may be done, using regulation hair accessories.
- Fringes must be neat and out of the eyes.
- Only naturally textured and natural coloured extensions are allowed. The overall appearance of the hair must be natural.
- Only plain brown hair rings, hair elastics, scrunchies, ribbon, hair clips, Alice bands and material headbands are allowed.
- Buns and single ponytails must be at the back of the head.
- Braids must be uniform.
- Weaves are only permitted for medically sanctioned conditions, e.g. Alopecia. A doctor’s letter may be required as motivation.
- No gel or hairspray is allowed.
- Dyed, highlighted or coloured hair is prohibited.
- Faddish or eccentric hairstyles that draw undue attention are not allowed.
41. a. No jewellery or makeup of any kind may be worn.
b. Studs or earrings are not permitted. Bristles or retainers (used to keep the holes open) are not allowed. Plasters may not be worn to cover the holes from piercing. Ear piercing should only be done early during the long December holidays, giving enough time for healing.
c. Tinting of eyebrows and/or eyelashes is not allowed.
d. Pupils in Grades 4 to 7 may wear suitable watches at their own risk and these should not distract from the uniform. Brightly coloured watches are not allowed.
The following rules are in place regarding the wearing of watches in Grade 1, 2 and Grade 3, in order to ensure maximum safety and productivity, with minimal distraction and distress for all concerned:
Grade 1: No watches are to be worn to school
Grade 2 and 3: Pupils may wear a plain, simple watch (not digital) with a plain black, white or brown strap to school. Smart watches or watches with a hidden display may not be worn to school.
42. Religious bracelets or items may only be worn, if they are approved by the Principal.
43. Warm Beverages: Pupils in Grades 1, 2 and 3 are not allowed to bring warm beverages (including soup) to school.
44. Serious Misdemeanors:
a. bad language and swearing
b. bunking classes or school
c. interfering with or taking other people’s possessions
d. harassment of any nature
e. cheekiness, back chatting and poor attitude
f. disruptive and bad behavior
g. smoking (including vaping), drugs, alcohol
h. continuous talking and disregard of classroom rules
i. continuous talking and noisy behaviour at lines
j. continuous talking and poor behaviour during assembly
k. aggressive behaviour, rough play and dangerous games
l. dangerous practices such as stone throwing, playing with sharp instruments
m. using sharp instruments, pins, needles, etc., to scratch, pierce or harm others
n. showing disrespect and poor manners
o. fighting and / or bullying of any nature
p. the spreading of malicious, hurtful rumours
q. offensive behaviour
r. poor sportsmanship
s. vandalism of school (walls, doors, desks) and other property (guilty pupils will be personally responsible for cleaning the surfaces)
t. inappropriate behaviour at school function, Derby Days and on outings
u. dangerous weapons and sharp instruments may not be brought to school
v. improper conduct – pupils are encouraged to preserve the good name of our school in their conduct in public places, particularly when wearing their school colours
w. behaviour that endangers safety of others
x. violation of the rights of others
The Governing Body and School Management Team reserve the right to discipline a pupil depending on the severity of the misdemeanor even if the transgression is not listed under the school rules or serious misdemeanors.
Click here to download the School Rules in PDF format
“It’s hard to imagine my world without my peers and teachers”