Our academic vision is to educate the whole child and to provide a quality and meaningful education to each pupil through a supportive environment and to remain sensitive to the needs and capabilities of each pupil i.e. bearing in mind that each child is unique.

We aim to provide a rich variety of learning experiences that will develop a child who is happy, well-adjusted, confident, has a healthy self-esteem and a sense of belonging; and to create experiences for this to take place in a caring and secure environment.

Learning programmes therefore ensure that the child is academically, emotionally, socially, physically, culturally and spiritually stimulated and that every opportunity is provided for the child to reach their potential. Technology, Visual Art, Music, Computers – Information and Communication Technology and Physical Education are taught by specialist staff.




Foundation Phase: Grade 1 to Grade 3
  • Language: English – language for learning and teaching
  • First Additional Language: Afrikaans
  • Mathematics
  • Life Skills: Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Well-being
  • Physical Education
  • Creative Arts – Visual Arts and Performing Arts (music and drama)


Intermediate PHASE: Grade 4 to Grade 6
  • Languages – English First Language

  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Science and Technology
  • Social Sciences – Geography and History
  • Life Skills – Social and Personal Development, Physical Education, Creative Arts (which consists of Performing Arts and Visual Arts)


Senior Phase: GrADE 7
  • Languages – English Home Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences – History and Geography
  • Economic and Management Science
  • Technology
  • Creative Arts – Music and Visual Art
  • Life Orientation (includes Physical Education)


We follow CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) as outlined by the Department of Basic Education. Educators implement a learner-centred approach by integrating various teaching methodologies to embrace diverse learning styles. Our children acquire and apply knowledge and skills encouraging them to become independent learners and problem solvers. This is done alongside collaborating with their peers instilling positive norms, values, principles and attitudes. This forms the platform in developing fundamental character strengths such as courtesy, respect, perseverance, responsibility and caring which is instilled our children from Grade 1.   

Skills taught are applied to real-life situations such as Cultural Days, Public Speaking, Entrepreneurial Projects such as Market Days and the Grade 7 Business Week, School Productions and Plays, Dance etc.. Our pupils participate and fair exceptionally well in extra-curricular competitions such as the national Conquesta Olympiad – English and the Amesa Olympiad – Mathematics. An exciting Outdoor Education programme complements the academic programmes in the senior grades.

Both formal and informal assessment is done continuously throughout the year and reporting to parents is done quarterly. Academic achievement is assessed each semester and outstanding achievement is recognized through a Gold and Silver Badge Award System which starts in Grade 4 through to Grade 7. Academic excellence is rewarded when a Grade 6 and/or Grade 7 pupil qualifies for an Academic Pocket (after earning their gold academic badge 3 consecutive times). The academic pocket replaces the school blazer pocket and the names of the recipients are then placed on an Honours Board.

Our teaching commitment is to make a difference in each child’s life and to encourage and motivate our children to give of their best and to be their best.

“This school taught me to be kind, respectful, loving and caring. The school does not want me to be anyone other than me”