Proudly we sing, our heads held high,
A song of praise for our school.
Growing in strength as the days go by,
Honour and truth is our rule.
We aim to be courteous, kind and true,
Our duty never to shirk
Sincere and loyal in all we do,
Give of our best in our games and work.
Come boys and girls, sing loud in praise,
Of this wonderful school that is yours.
In time to come you’ll look back on these days,
E’en though you’re on distant shores.
Honour and Truth are always the best,
That no-one can deny.
Solve all life’s problems with vigour and zest
We shall achieve if we all aim high.
M E McKenzie
“The most special part of the school are the students and staff – it’s not the sport or the outings, it’s about the people inside the school”